Traditional Birth Stones

These are the traditional Birthstones for each month & below these you'll see the Zodiac Birthstones. This is so you choose which one the recipient of your gift would prefer. Please note that these are from various sources & some countries also differ.

January: Garnet

February Birthstone: Amethyst

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

April Birthstone: Diamond

May Birthstone: Emerald

June Birthstone: Pearl or Alexandrite

July Birthstone: Ruby

August Birthstone: Peridot

September Birthstone: Sapphire

October Birthstone: Tourmaline or Opal

November Birthstone: Topaz or Citrine

December Birthstone: Tanzanite, Zircon or Turquoise

Below you'll find a list of gemstones said to be associated with the Zodiac birth signs.

With twelve signs of the Zodiac and twelve months of the year, when it comes to choosing a personal birthstone there is quite an overlap.

AQUARIUS (20 Jan - 18 Feb)
Agate, Onyx, Turquoise, Malachite, Labradorite, Fluorite, Iolite, Chrysoprase, Aquamarine and Moonstone.
Traditional: Amethyst)

PISCES (19 Feb - 20 Mar)
Amethyst, Jade, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Opal, Bloodstone, Fluorite, Unakite, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Chrysoprase, Howlite
Traditional: Bloodstone)

ARIES (21 Mar - 20 Apr)
Bloodstone, Garnet, clear Quartz, Ruby, Jasper, Red Carnelian
Traditional: Diamond)

TAURUS (21 Apr - 20 May)
Rose Quartz, Chrysoprase, Sapphire,Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Rhodonite, Azurite, Mookite, Rhyolite
Traditional: Emerald)

GEMINI (21 May - 20 Jun)
Pearl, Black Onyx, Citrine, Tigers eye, Moonstone, Rock Crystal
Traditional: Agate)

CANCER (21 Jun - 20 Jul)
Aventurine, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Moss Agate, Lavender Jade
Traditional: Ruby, Pearl)

LEO (21 Jul - 21 Aug)
Sunstone, Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Cat's Eye, Fire Agate, Citrine, Garnet,
Amber, Red Obsidian, Peridot, Quartz Crystal
Traditional: Sardonyx)

VIRGO (22 Aug -22 Sep)
Amazonite, White Jade, Sodalite, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian, Jasper, Sapphire, Agate

(Traditional: Zircon)

LIBRA (23 Sep - 22 Oct)
Green Adventurine, Citrine, Tourmaline, Opal, Jade, Rhodonite, Emerald
Traditional: Sapphire)

SCORPIO (23 Oct - 22 Nov)
Rhodonite,Topaz, Carnelian, Garnet, Ruby, Jasper, Malachite, Green Turquoise, Red Tiger Eye, Obsidian, Bloodstone
Traditional: Citrine)

SAGITTARIUS (23 Nov - 20 Dec)
Sodalite, Turquoise, Zircon, Topaz, Snowflake Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Blue Lace Agate
Traditional: Lapis Lazuli)

CAPRICORN (21 Dec - 19 Jan)
Snowflake Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Black Onyx, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Botswana Agate, Azurite
Traditional: Garnet)
